Cal's Pals

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


"The most wasted of all days is that during which one has not laughed"
Three Questions
Having a bad day? Want to turn it around? Want to make it a fine day?
Now smile a real big smile. Think about something that usually makes you laugh. Fine, now go ahead and laugh!!

Now keep it up. Smile at everyone you see. Give someone a compliment. Thank that person who does something for you. Love them. Help someone who needs assistance. Keep smiling. You're doing great. Now find someone you can help to smile. It's catching; just like a yawn.

People want to be happy. That's one of the reasons there are so many sitcoms on tv. They are aired usually in the evenings when so many people are trying to put the day behind them. Because most of them had to work hard all day there has been no time for laughter. The sitcom is the cure needed to help them relax. Even bad jokes bring out the laughter.

Try to use your day to make people smile and laugh and you will see what a great difference it will make to your life as well as the lives of those you meet.

"Your best shot at happiness,self-worth and personal satisfaction-the things that constitute real success- is not earning as much as you can but in performing as well as you can something that you consider worthwhile. Whether that is healing the sick, giving hope to the hopeless, adding to the beauty of the world, or saving the world from nuclearr holocaust, I cannot tell."- William Rasspberry

Thursday, August 03, 2006


Maybe you haven't considered that the stories from your life are important; but be assured that they will be cherished far beyond anything money will buy. Whether you write your history or speak into a tape recorder, your stories will be eagerly awaited by the most appreciative audience of all - your family. Far into the future, your family will read your words or listen to your voice and be grateful you took the time to put this gift together for them.

You might just want to write in a journal. You could write once a day or only write when you thought you had something important to say. Most days may not be full of things to say but how you lived your day and your thoughts that day would be welcomed. You need to at least give it a try.

The difference between holding on to a hurt or releasing it with forgiveness is like the difference between laying your head down at night on a pillow filled with thorns or a pillow filled with rose petals. 

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Will you please tell your wife "Thank you, for speaking to me? Most people just ignore you or they won't speak if they look at you." This was said to me as I was approaching a lady who was loading groceries into the trunk of her car. Now what do you think of that? My wife had only asked her how she liked the store and said a few other words; and the lady was thankful!! Later as I reflected on the incident, I thought to myself, that that must be a very lonely woman. We never know the good we can do with just a smile; without even saying a word. This surprised me for I very seldom hear the words thank you from anyone! Especially from someone I haven't given something or done something for them that actually took some effort.

In our everyday lives there are many, many times when we will have an opportunity to express our appreciation and thank an individual. It doesn't" have to be some big thing that they have done for us. It can be something as simple as letting us pass in front of them as we get ready to go through a door. How about that driver that lets us through traffic as we try to enter the street from a parking lot? Do we let them know we are thankful? It only takes a wave of the hand.

Now we have spoken mostly about strangers. How about close friends and family? How about the husband or wife? There is another group we have not mentioned and that is the children. If they are going to grow up and be thankful people and say thanks, they will more than likely follow in their parents footsteps. So thank them for even the small things they do around the house and yard. Thank them for being polite to to you or anyone else. Don't miss any chance to thank them! This is a must.

Debts of gratitude are the most difficult to collect.

Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.

Do not neglect gratitude. Say thank you. Better still, say it in writing. Simple note of thanks is money it the bank and you will be reembered.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Whatever the reason, it's always good to take a few moments each day to relax in a quiet place and enjoy it. Keep smiling. Everyone enjoys being with a happy person.

Have you ever had your day suddenly turn sunshiny because of a cheerful word? Have you ever wondered if this could be the same world? Wondered because someone had been unexpectly kind to you?
You can make today the same for sombody. It is only a matter of a little imagination, a little effort. Think now, what can I do today to make someone happy? Old persons, children, folks in the office, clerks in a store or a stranger?

There will never be a person who is more important than any other person, no matter how they look and no matter what kind of work they do. Each of you is as valuable and worthwhile as any other person.

Why do we stand in awe of the power and imensity of the sea, the vast unknown reaches of the universe, the beauty of a flower, the splendor of a sunset...and at the same time downgrade ourselves? Did not the same Creator make us? Are we not the most marvelous creation of all, with power to think, experience, change our environmeent and love?
These two quotations are from, "SEEDS OF GREATNESS" by Denis Waitley